Patrick Warner

Web & Software Development | IT | Design

Patrick leverages his formal education in computer science, graphic design, and fine arts as a full-stack developer with expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Python. This well-rounded skillset allows him to manage all aspects of web development. Beyond the web, his strong computer science foundation empowers him to utilize various programming languages for data analysis and automate complex solutions. Additionally, Patrick's understanding of IT infrastructure and server hosting ensures efficient application deployment and maintenance.

Driven by a lifelong passion for science and technology, Patrick thrives on learning and applying his knowledge to real-world projects. With a "DIY ethos," he enjoys designing and building projects from the ground up, acquiring a multifaceted understanding of project development. Patrick's proven ability to quickly grasp new technologies enables him to creatively solve complex problems.

Professional Projects

Front-End Development
Web Development
Web Design
WordPress Development
Custom Theme Development
CMS Implementation
Content Creation
Email Hosting Integration
DNS Management
Website Security
Website Performance Optimization

Project Summary: Successfully designed, developed, and launched a user-friendly and high-performing website for SW Media. The project encompassed domain registration, hosting setup, content management system (CMS) installation, email integration, custom website design and development, and website security optimization. [Visit Site]

Project Scope:

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  • Content Management System (CMS): Implemented WordPress through cPanel, providing a user-friendly platform for SW Media to manage and update website content effectively.
  • Integrated Email Solution: Established a new email hosting account with Zoho for professional communication and configured DNS records for seamless integration with the website domain.
  • Custom Website Design & Development: Designed a visually appealing and brand-aligned website tailored to SW Media's target audience. Generated engaging content and sourced high-quality media elements to enhance the user experience. Optimized all website images using WebP format for faster loading times.
  • Enhanced User Engagement: Implemented functional contact forms allowing users to easily connect with SW Media and configured them to send notifications specifying the contact source for valuable lead tracking. Developed a custom WordPress theme empowering SW Media to effortlessly create blog posts and generate new leads.
  • Robust Security & Performance: Secured the website login area with strong password requirements and limited login attempts to prevent unauthorized access. Implemented website caching techniques to improve page load speed and enhance overall user experience.

Personal Projects

Full-stack development
CMS development
Server administration
Network security
Apache HTTP
Load balancing
Reverse proxy
DIY website hosting

Project Summary: is a dynamic platform that showcases my full-stack development expertise. At its core lies a custom PHP content management system (crmbl CMS) I built, which seamlessly handles hosting multiple domains (explore the examples!). This project not only demonstrates my back-end development skills but also serves as a springboard for future educational resources. The site will eventually offer tutorials on do-it-yourself home server and website hosting, reflecting the very functionality it exemplifies – running entirely on a home-based cluster of load-balanced servers.

Site Status:

Server 4

Server 3

Server 2

Server 1

Project Scope:

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  • Full-stack Development: Built a custom PHP content management system (crmbl CMS) demonstrating proficiency in both front-end and back-end development.
  • Server Administration & Maintenance: Managed a home-based cluster of load-balanced servers, including server setup, configuration, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Network & Security: Secured a home network for website hosting, showcasing knowledge of GNU/Linux server administration and best practices.
  • Load Balancing & Hosting: Configured Apache2 for load balancing and reverse proxy functionality, enabling seamless hosting of multiple domains.

crmbl CMS

Content Management System (CMS)
Multi-Domain Hosting
Command-Line Interface (CLI)

Project Summary: crmbl CMS is a dynamic, PHP-based content management system designed for scalability and multi-domain hosting. Built with a modular architecture, crmbl allows individual sites to define and manage their own plugins, modules, and themes, while maintaining separate data for each. This empowers users with fine-grained control and enables them to create a customized web experience that scales seamlessly alongside their needs.

Project Scope:

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  • Core Functionality: Developed in PHP, providing a robust foundation for content management.
  • Multi-Domain Hosting: A single crmbl instance efficiently hosts and manages multiple websites.
  • Modular Architecture: Enables individual sites to define and manage their own plugins (modules), themes, and custom media.
  • Data Separation: Ensures each website maintains its own data for security and organization.
  • API Support: Handles CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations through individual GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests, facilitating interaction with crmbl as a RESTful API (Still under development).
  • Deployment Management: Built-in functionality to package and deploy entire websites with themes, modules, and data across crmbl instances.
  • Staging and Publishing: Streamlined workflow for local development and server publishing using a BASH script (future plans include a front-end dashboard).
  • Theming System:: Granular control over theme design, including custom HTML for specific sections (head, meta, link, body, script) with dynamic capabilities.


Web App
Content Management System (CMS)
Content Filtering

Project Summary: MXBlog is a JavaScript web app under development that empowers creators to share their content - blogs, magazines, or media galleries - on their own terms. Free from the limitations of traditional platforms, MXBlog lets you host your content almost anywhere on the internet, while still delivering a sleek and customizable blog experience for your audience.

Project Scope:

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  • Decentralized Freedom: Host your blog files (JSON) anywhere online, no platform lock-in!
  • Content Flexibility: Create single articles, full-fledged blogs, or curate multi-blogs with ease
  • Advanced Categorization: Organize your content with category, sub-category, and niche-category options.
  • Content Control: Filter content with ratings, warnings, and trigger-warnings for a safe and informed audience.
  • Effortless Integration: Embed MXBlog seamlessly into your webpage with just a script and a tag - the app handles the HTML generation.
  • Under Development: More features to be announced.


Web Automation
Web Scraping
Game Automation
Content Creation
Automation Script

Project Summary: PBN-Bot is a unique automation project built with Python, Selenium, and JavaScript. It functions as a controllable character within the 2D web-based multiplayer game Paintball-Net.

Project Scope:

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  • Python: Built with Python for core logic and automation capabilities.
  • Selenium: Utilizes Selenium to interact with the game's web interface for actions and data retrieval.
  • Javascript: Employs JavaScript for enhanced data parsing within the game.
  • Communicate with other players: The bot possesses built-in communication abilities for in-game interaction.
  • Monitor game servers: PBN-Bot can track player logins and logouts across all Paintball-Net servers simultaneously.
  • Track player statistics: The bot has the potential to gather and analyze player data, providing valuable insights.

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Web Development

Looking to dive deeper? My projects are actively developed and maintained on GitHub and CodePen. Here, you'll find the full source code, detailed explanations, and the opportunity to contribute or ask questions.